Nicholas J. Chong, PhD MPH
Trachtenberg School, George Washington University (2023)
PhD, Health Policy
Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University (2017)
MPH, Health Policy Analysis Certificate
Trinity College, University of Toronto (2014)
BSc (Hon), Global Health Specialist
Mathematica [Washington, DC]
Research, 09.2023–curr.
Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity [Washington, DC]
Senior Research Associate, 07.2019–09.2023
Conducted research on health workforce training and productivity
George Washington University [Washington, DC]
Research & Teaching Assistant, 09.2017–07.2019
Assisted in instructing courses on empirical research in health policy [Statistical Analysis in Health Policy, graduate-level course]
Conducted cost-benefit and cost-optimization analysis for pharmacogenetic testing policies in hospitals
Consulted as an economist for proposed regulatory changes by the California Department of Public Health
Columbia University [New York, NY]
Teaching Assistant, 09.2016–05.2017
Directed tutorial sessions focused on Stata and quantitative research methodology [Research Methods: Empirical Analysis, graduate-level course]
Led discussion sessions on ethics and history of public health [Foundations of Public Health, graduate-level course]
G7/8 Research Group [Toronto, ON]
Lead Compliance Analyst, 09.2012–09.2016
Served as a leading member of the Summit Team for G7 Summits (Brussels 2014, Schloss-Elmau 2015, Ise-Shima 2016) at which state leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States discuss priority issues for global partnership
Managed the writing of final compliance report involving over 60 researchers globally; report was presented to G7 Leaders as a primary source for identifying progress and shortcomings in complying to commitments from preceding Summits
Health and Climate Foundation [Toronto, ON]
Comm. and Advocacy Associate, 05.2014–06.2015
Presented research findings and recommendations on the integration of weather technology in healthcare systems at World Weather Open Science Climate Conference
Chaired a panel discussion with public health officials from municipal, provincial, and national public health agencies at the WWOS Conference to initiate discussion for Health Canada to introduce resilient responses to climate-related health crises
Re-designed website for the Foundation
Health Care Without Harm [Toronto, ON]
Research Associate, 07.2014–09.2014
Performed research on hospital green initiative programs to examine the patterns in healthcare integration of climate change services
Piloted and implemented an Excel research database for data collection, currently still used by organization